Sunday, January 22, 2006

The big 2006 trip

I need to back up a little, as the origins of the trip were 5 or 6 years ago when my friends and I realized that we'd have some significant birthdays in 2006, and we should take a trip together. It started as a windjammer type cruise idea, although we could not all agree on the details. It evolved into a week on St. John. Becky, Martha and I will stay at the Maho Bay camps, an eco-resort, and we are in the apartments (rather than the tent cottages) Martha will actually have her birthday while we are there. They are terrific gals, and although not rabid swimmers like I, they are so supportive and are really encouraging me. They are even offering to knock my competitors out of my way, just kidding. Debbie will remain behind with her new hubby as they have other plans for '06, and Veronica will be taking a cruise with family. We will miss them. And we tried to get our significant others to go, too, of course, but they are opting out of this girls' extravaganza. I do want my husband to see St. John someday, but I guess that will be another trip. Martha visited me and my family there while we were in college.

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