Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Wed. Jan. 25

Swam 2500 yards: 500 warm up, 1750 (1 mile) straight swim, 250 kick and cool down. Timed the mile at about 28 minutes. Should be able to reduce that some, I was not pushing hard.

My book says to have 3 goals. My first and main goal is just to complete the 3 1/2 mi. swim alive. My inside goal is to complete it in 1 hour 45 min. which realistically allows for 30 min. per mile. My outside goal is to complete it in 1:30.

I'm more concerned with enjoying the underwater scenery and getting that swimmer's high than beating anyone. From last year's results it looks like the fast guys finish in 1:11 and the rest of the ordinary mortals come in around 1:45 or more.

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