Friday I swam about 2900 yd. - did 500 wu, 2 X 400, 4 X 200, 8 X 100 some pretty fast, long rests. My bod was saying, this is nothing, lets keep going. Am feeling more rested now.
One week until the big day. Have been making piles of clothes and stuff to take, readying to pack. Can't wait......
Have a good trip down here. I have no idea what type of shark it was - probably a nurse shark. Nothing to worry about. I may not go to the Saturday night briefing since I've done the practice swim before. But my name is kendra and I wear a red suit ("lava" style speedo). See you next weekend! Good luck if I don't see you before the after party.
I'm looking forward to meeting you. Thanks for your advice and help. Good luck in the swim! I'll have on a solid blue speedo. See you then.-Julie
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