Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wed. Mar. 29

Swam just over 4300 yd; did 500 wu, 200 pull, 300 kick, 1750 yd, then 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 100 kick. Am getting kind of sore or an overextension feeling in the lats (tricep soreness has gone away). I also am getting kind of dotty and disoriented. All this being underwater. It will be much more stimulating to have fish and coral instead of a black line to look at. I keep thinking of the Charles Sprawson comment about swimmers' delusions and neuroses (seeMar. 3 post).
Hooray I have a comment. Thanks M Lou, one of my travel buds. We are now thinking of a power boat ride on the 29th to several of the BVI. Cue Miami Vice music.....

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